Monday, September 3, 2007

A spark of fate...

Do you believe in awakenings? Like there's something inside a person, dorment, that someday will rise within him and lead him towards his true self... making him remember who he really is...

I do.

Some days start sad... I know I dreamed about something that touched me last night. I woke up and couldn't remember what it was but the feelings lingered. It's not been the first time.
There's been so much uncertainness those last weeks... I know what I feel I should do, but I'm still afraid... yet I fear that, if I go on the path I follow now, some day there might be no way back.
I have to do what my heart tells me... I always did and I never regretted... it's just that some things are out of my control completely. I can just watch and wait for the truth to unveil... and I don't even know if my notions are right. Those thoughts have been hauting me for so long now... and they're the greatest burden of all - to know but never to be sure unless it happens, never to tell for noone will believe.

Life may be painful at times... but in the end, it will be worth it all. Time knows its way... and sooner or later, everything will be as it is meant to be, how long ever it may take...
I can just be myself.

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